Tuesday, 7 February 2012

In Bruges

Bruges is a beautiful town. Touristy and busy yes, but somehow it doesn't seem to matter. The place must be packed in summer but it wasn't so bad for us. On the afternoon we arrived we went on a walking tour that was free through the backpackers we stayed in and just as we began, it started to snow! For a couple of queenslander's it was pretty damn exciting! It didn't matter that it was freezing cold and every time you looked up at something the guide pointed at you got snow in your eyes. And of course, the snow just made the town more beautiful. We walked through the town for hours in the snow, stopping for a break in the middle for a nice, warm drink. The tour probably wasn't the most informative tours you could go on, not that we didn't learn a thing or two about the towns history as well as see places from the film 'In Bruges', but the guides were funny which made it a great afternoon.

Of course, the snow inspired us and with a fellow Aussie in tow we made the best snowman in Bruges (even if I do say so myself).

Seeing as Belgium is the place for beer, we were also talked into attending a beer tasting evening also run by one of the tour guides - the guy seemed to run half the things in Bruges as well as know most the people! Fortunately the evening was a little more informative than the tour although tasting seemed to imply a full glass of each beer. It was a loooong night.

Bruges has probably been one of my favorite places so far, though we have a lot more places to see. It's the epitome of what you think of as an old European town and Belgium people are so friendly.

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